Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mr Cardmaker is Back on the Boards

Yesterday, I told you about the Pinterest inspiration that led me to make this card.

The inspiration piece looks like this--

Meine kreative Welt...: " den besten Wünschen"
and it comes form THIS BLOG. (Give credit where it's due! Thanks, Heike!)

Well, I made another one. That cake just got into my brain....
I made this--

And it HAD to be CHOCOLATE, right? I'm pretty sure you're with me on this.

BALLOONS! How fun! I love these PTI Balloon images. Nothing as wonderful as a big, fat, bright, round balloon. And cake. Don't forget the chocolate cake.
My cake is fussy cut and popped up on the front there, and totally coated with Glossy Accents.
The star is a separate stamp, but it's fussy cut and Glossy Accented, too.

Maybe this view is better--

Oh, and the inside--

The cake is brown, but it's pretty dark and looks black in this photo...
I went outside the lines on those candle flames, thinking they'd look like "glow." I think it worked!

Chalk up another birthday card for the stash!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. Oh wow - I just love those balloons. You did a wonderful job on them! I gotta tell you though, as much of a chocolate freak as I am, and I'll admit I am, cake is the one thing I don't like chocolate. Weird huh? Great card!

  2. Richard, your cards are amazing!! Especially love the backgrounds on the first two!! You are a true artist!

  3. This is wonderful.
    "You can't be uncheery with a balloon!" I'm thinking Winnie The Pooh, but googled it and got nuthin!

  4. Nothing says "celebration" like some colorful balloons and your background showcasing the cake is perfect. Love it!

  5. Oh YES, Balloons and CHOCOLATE nothing better for sure!!! I though yesterdays card was a beauty but todays is even better... I really like the balloons here, and the inside is perfect too!!!!!!

  6. Wonderfully colorful balloons great card!

  7. Seriously. These are all fantastic! I love them!

  8. WOW - gorgeous card and love that amazing background! TFS

  9. Richard love your chocolate cake! And those gorgeous balloons!!!!! Great take on H's inspiration!

  10. I love your bright beautiful balloons... chocolate cake? all good!


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