Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mr Cardmaker is All Aflutter

Well, sometimes things are definitely worth the wait. And, more importantly, worth their WEIGHT. As in gold. As in, really good stuff.

I have been eyeballing the Beautiful Butterflies stamp set from Papertrey Ink for what seemed like forever. However, crafting funds are allocated SUPER carefully around here, and I shop prices like it's my JOB. Shipping costs seem to kill just about everything I want, most days, even when I think they're pretty reasonable. I just. can't. pull. that. trigger....

Anyway, this set showed up on Ebay, and in a moment of weakness, I decided that a slightly used set was worth saving $2.00 worth of shipping on a new one, and I GOT IT!

SO. GLAD. SO glad.

So, if you checked out the blog on Tuesday (of course you did) you saw my first attempts to use this set. (Go see it if you haven't yet....We'll wait....)

Well, beige is nice and all, but these babies are meant to be in Full Living Color! (If you remember that from TV, welcome to my decade of life...)

I made these--

Oh MAN! Let me tell you about fun! Let me tell you about almost EVERY ink pad I own being pulled out, and the thousands of baby wipes used to clean the stamps as I went along. Giggling and cursing aplenty!

So, when I knew I wanted to do colors, I immediately thought of the sweet and oh-so-talented Laura Bassen, and her expertise in everything rainbow related.  That gal; what an inspiration!

Now, when I started, I had no idea these were going to end up like this. I initially chose one red, orange, yellow, green, etc., and stamped a lovely rainbow down the right side of the card base.
This was immediately called "how to make a rainbow boring", or "when enough just is NOT enough."
I was actually  considering the circular file, when I decided to expand things a touch.
Then, some more.
Finally, I ended up with at LEAST three shades of each color, and up to five shades in some instances.

The sentiment sort of fell into what seemed the logical places, based on white space.
The final touch was the white dots, which are done with Enamel Accents. I chose white, because I didn't want any color taking away from the butterflies.

I'm not sure whether I like the dots ON the butterflies or AROUND the butterflies better. I think I am deciding not to choose, actually. They both look pretty good.
I am SO happy with the way the colors overlap and give such a translucent look to everything.
I'm SO happy I have these stamps. Butterflies and bright colors never go out of style. That makes me happy, too! Making these gave me so much pleasure.

I'm happy to say these cards went to two crafty friends in lieu of Valentines. I like butterflies much better than hearts, anyway...And, I got to send them some SPRING!

I wonder what these would do with a more limited color family? Hmmm....
Stay tuned!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. Well, I am glad that this PTI stamp set FOUND its own rightful owner! You created this card like conducting a symphony. Every color blended so well to the next and they sing in perfect harmony, too. We all love a happy ending, don't we?

  2. OMG! Virginia is right! This set was meant to be yours! Love them both!

  3. OH my. This is beyond words. I LOVE it! I think that I have the dies for that set, but not the set itself because I'm more into dies than stamps at the moment, but maybe I do, I'll have to look and use it : ) You're such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing.

  4. These are just beautiful Richard. And so needed at this point in our March Madness. I am ready for the snow to melt! Me, who loves, loves, loves snow; is so done with it now. (But don't tell anybody) 45 degrees this weekend!

    I just love the colors and the random, but not so random stamping. It made me smile this morning!

  5. dreamy butterflies...those enamel dots...good enough to eat!! rainbow heaven!!! you go mr. cardmaker!

  6. Looking at these cards feels like going to the Botanical Gardens after that first week of really warm weather - and feel like nature is exploding around you! Thank you for that!

  7. Wow, these cards just explode with color and energy! Love how you stamped and over-stamped for that translucent effect!

  8. Two gorgeous cards and fabulous array of colours! TFS

  9. Those are beautiful!
    Made me smile, as Spring is a ways away for us yet!

  10. Tuesday's beige was lovely, but these are just glorious!! Overlapping with the intermediate colours was genius.

  11. Oh my, those are really beautiful cards Richard! such bright colors and fun. I think I like the dots around :) Well, I'm glad you got the butterfly stamp set, you beat me to it! I have been eyeing them for a while as well, soon.

    C :)

  12. Oh, yes! This has Laurafadora written all over it! Well done, Richard!

  13. Oh my gosh, these are GORGEOUS! The vibrancy is just magnificent!

  14. Holy cow! This is jaw dropping stunning. Do I need these butterflies now? Even if I did.. not sure they'd ever be this pretty. Each color so clean and bright - really stunning Richard. I'm pinning this.

  15. Okay, so this card is so gorgeous! And I am trying to replicate it but seriously, did you use neon inks, my colors are just so dull compared to yours. What inks did you use?! I'm dying to know:)

  16. Soo lovely great inspiration for me, love butterflies....smiling.......thank you


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