Friday, May 10, 2013

Mr Cardmaker Has Been At It For TWO YEARS!!!

Well, who'da thunk it?  Two years!!!  It all started HERE , and two years later, here I am, having the time of my life, and just so happy about all the friends I made along the way.

If I could send each and every one of you a card to say thanks for your constant support and bloggy love, I'd probably send something like this--

The sentiment says it all.  Truth.
Today I am off to the Mega Meet in Novi, MI to buy me some good good stuff!!  Tim Holtz is rumored to be coming, so it will be cool if I get a pic with a real "famous" crafter MAN.  So few of us out there, you know!  (Not that I am famous...yet!  Infamous, maybe...)
I have some other versions of this card idea to show you, but I gotta get dressed and outta here.  Those supplies won't buy themselves, you know! 
A million "thank you"s to you, my friends.
You've given me a million smiles.
Thanks for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. I love all the color here - beautiful mix of patterns and papers. This is my two year blog versary also! You hit the nail on the head - the wonderful friends I've made along the way is the prize! Wishing you many more years of happiness and friendship Richard!

  2. Well Happy Blogaversary!
    Have fun, and get some good stuff!
    I'm sure you NEED it!

  3. Your card is so fabulous! Have fun at the Mega Meet! That should pretty much ROCK! I hope you get your photo with Tim!

  4. Gorgeous card! I enjoy your blog and your struggles with card making! :-) Hope you get to meet Tim!

  5. Congrats, yo!!! I just LURVE LURVE LURVE this card!!!

  6. Wonderful card!Love the colors,and the design is awesome,Most of all,thank you for such a beautiful comment,Have a Blessed weekend!

  7. Love it!! And thanks to you too. Good luck with Tim.

  8. Congrats on two very fun years, Richard! Hope you have a great time, and get to meet the other famous crafty man! Another great card, my friend.....thanks for sharing it!

  9. Great card Richard - and so easy to adapt and use up scraps from the scrap pile. (Using scraps on my cards is good way to convince my inner self that I can afford new stash)
    Hope you picked up some good new goodies yourself, and maybe see Tim! I once saw him when he was on a visit over to a craft fair here in the UK - omg, that guy has some talent.
    Congrats on the blogaversary, Rx

  10. Hey, congrats on your two years! That's such a long time in blogland. Sure hope you found some goodies at the meet. Love all your layers here ... especially the tag, how it's woven under the strip. And then the twine going through the hole, such a great detail!

  11. That's so sweet!! I'ma blushin'.... Your card is gorgeous Richard and the feeling is mutual. You're a true inspiration to me. :) Now go on...RUN don't walk to get them supplies!!

  12. congrats on 2 years! I do love this patterned paper loveliness. I think you bring lots of fresh air and fun to blogging and I am happy you are here! Although I am slacking at posting and commenting these days so it doesn't show :(


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