Friday, February 20, 2015

Mr Cardmaker Has Color on the Brain

Well, I'm still needing color in my life, and feeling the need to share it with others. Snow is pretty, but oceans of white can get soooooo BORING after too long. And we're getting to that too long place in a big hurry. If you live in New England or Canada or any of those places with the giant mounds, you know what I mean.
Had to bust out of that!

I made this--

So, this one is very much like my last card; in fact, some of the papers are the same. I was happy with that last one, and I know enough to strike when the inspiration is hot!

I think one of the things that I really like about this card is the fact that it's sort of seasonally ambiguous. It sort of looks springy, but boy that orange and that teal are DEEP, and spring is sort of more, well, pastel. The pastels are there, but they're sort of being tugged into another place, too. Something , well, juicier.
I kinda dig that.
I also dig that sweet felt flower.

Funny thing, but this is one of the few times I have done a larger edge around my panels on a card. That orange was so yummy, I really wanted to see more of it. It DOES feel weird breaking that 1/4" idea, though, I have to say.

Oh, and the inside--

Where I apparently did NOT break that 1/4" rule.  I just noticed that! LOL!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hope you have a colorful day.
All Best-


  1. Just like a new spring garden - still some leftover darks from winter : ) Beautiful and it makes me happy!

  2. I'm totally with you on the snow. Sick of snow, and sick of minus temps! Mother Nature can stop being so ugly anytime she wants! Your cards are truly delightful! I'm not sure why I don't use orange more often...I love seeing it! Great job, as always! And...BONUS! I always get cheered up when I stop by here! Hugs...

  3. Oooh it's so pretty and I'm loving the bright colors!! We're covered in white here too, so anything colorful is a welcome sight for me!! I love all the layering and the beautiful papers you've used!!

  4. Spring is in the air around here - and that card really is spring, despite the deeper colors. Maybe because of all the little flowers... or maybe the pastel pink felt does it. Anyhow, it's a beauty!

  5. Great use of color! I do know what you mean about the 1/4 inch edge "rut" - almost like a requirement! I have been using 1/8 and even 1/2 lately, just because I feel rebellious! I also let the base color help me decide.

    I hope you see some melting and spring soon! We have lovely weather here, come see me! (Phoenix area)

  6. Fabulous card and that orange just makes everything pop! TFS

  7. Bright, beautiful patterns and a fun mix of shapes too! I think you've created the perfect cure to cabin fever! I am such a sucker for any kind of felt flower!!


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