Monday, February 23, 2015

Mr Cardmaker's Monochrome Meadow

Back in 2013, I played around with this technique called "pulling pastels." It was the coolest thing, only I did it with blackboard chalk, because, well, because that's what I had.  Read more about it HERE.

Well, I loved the idea so much, that when CASology came up with a monochromatic challenge, my mind went right there again.
I am also joining the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge-Anything Goes.

I made this--

The sentiment came from a Heidi Swapp mini set on clearance at Michaels. I found two sets, which are wicked cool, because they come with a mini STENCIL! I haven't used the stencils yet, but, boy, I sure WILL.
The flowers are an ooooooold set from Stampin' Up called Upsy Daisy. I am almost positive this has been discontinued, but if I remember correctly, the image appeared in a best of flowers set they did a while ago.
Anyway, this could not be simpler.
I stamped and clear embossed the sentiment, because I knew I wanted it to be the star of this show.
Then, I just took a piece of chalk-I'm talking plain, white, chalkboard chalk-and rubbed it all over my panel of dark gray card stock, going pretty heavy handed with the whole thing.
I used my fingers and an almost-dry baby wipe to wipe the chalk off of my letters. Easy-peasy.
Moisture is NOT your friend on this kind of project. Trust me.
After that, it's all you, your stamp, and your versamark ink pad. 
For the darkest flowers, I got the stamp really juicy-fide, and then I stamped right over the chalk.
Lift the stamp off, and BAM!
Now, I knew I wanted those flowers to stay really dark, but with tiny bits of chalk in them to soften them, so I quickly clear embossed them to lock in that image permanently.
After that, it took me about six seconds to re ink my stamp, and stamp the image three more times in succession without reinking.
Aaaand, DONE!!
A quick, LIGHT shot of aerosol hairspray helps lock the chalk in place, but be LIGHT in coverage from way far away, or you'll make the whole thing wet, and everything will vanish on you.
Ask me how I know this.....
A gray card base, and oh yes, the inside--
The other Heidi Swapp stamp, simply stamped in gray ink...
SO, a really different look in a big hurry!
Speaking of, I am just about to get this in at CASology under the wire, so I'm off...
TRY this idea--Try it on navy and black cardstock, too, or even on a forest green (Oooooh, I may have to go there now!) --and try different colors of chalk!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. Now this I've GOT to try! Super cool effect and a beautiful card!

  2. Your card is way too cool!!!!!!!!!! Love it!!! Thanks so much for playing along with us at CASology. May

  3. That will be on the list to try!
    Good job!

  4. Richard, this is such a cool effect!!! Wow, plain old chalk, huh? Who would have thought! I love this monochromatic surreal! Thanks for joining us at CASology this week!

  5. I love it.Thank you for giving the instructions I will give this a try and will put the card on my pinterest board. : )

  6. This is absolutely fantastic!!! What I love about it is that it looks like a painting and is almost a one layer design, but has so much depth to it! W.O.W.
    Thanks so much for joining us over at CASology! :)

  7. I love it, too! But WOW - what happened to all the pretty co.ora?!? LOL
    you come up with the most interesting techniques - and for that I thank you!

  8. What a fabulous technique, I'll have to give it a try.

  9. Wow - did this stir up some memories. Years before I moved from South Jersey, which I did 30 years ago, I had taken a picture of a field by my house. There was a rusted model T type truck and lots of flowers that were long since dead but dried so still there. And.....there was a light snow coming down. This card took me there. I love it!

  10. Fantastic card! I love the monochromatic look, its really amazing!

  11. Love your beautiful card. The sentiment is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)


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