The musings and offerings of a burgeoning greetings master

Friday, December 19, 2014

Mr Cardmaker and the Little Tag of Inspiration

Well, I have this habit of taking a small element, and using it as the inspiration for a whole card.
It can be a scrap of paper on my work table that looks cool, it can be a die cut, or the negative of a die cut, it can be a stamped image that was snipped halfway off another project that just happened to catch my eye.  Or, sometimes I'll make a small element, and, like a small dog, I'll refuse to let it go.

So, I had these tiny tags.  I stamped a bell on them, embossed them in silver, and added a stamped red bow. So cute.  Now, how to use them...

Well I made these--

See the insides of the letters in "jingle" INSIDE the card?  Sorta weird when you open the card, but cute when closed...

Now, You KNOW how I am about using my flair pieces. I must have REALLY wanted that Santa on there...

Getting a little wild with the sequins...Oh, and there's the positive die cut from the first card...

Why not a color change?  Pink is my FAVE Christmas color...I must have been feeling free and easy with the flair, once it was opened...

Well, I ran out of my tags, but I was on a roll with this card style...

This one is my fave of this series, I think.  The ombre on the letters just works for me. My little wooden trees make me so happy..
 PS-these Tim Holtz dies are SO much easier to work with than I ever dreamed they would be!

Here's the inside--

Hey, when I say Winter Wonderland, I don't mess around!
More to come...
Thanks for stopping by!
All Best--

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mr Cardmaker CASE-es His Way Through the Holidays

There were 72 Christmas cards this year, and only one Hanukkah card, plus a Hanukkah tag.  I did do multiples of some of the designs and I CASE-ed a couple of designs ( read: almost DIRECTLY stolen). Hey, when inspiration takes a vacation...

There are way too many cards to share in one post, so I am going to try to clump some together by type.  Hopefully I can get them all in posts before Christmas!

So, about the cards I CASE-ed--(CASEd? CASE-d? Whatevs...)

The wonderful Julie Ebersole made this card on the Ellen Hutson Blog (Julie has her own blog as well!)--

Lovely, right?
Well, I WON this stamp set during a blog hop, and I was STUMPED as to how to use it until I saw Julie's card.

So, I made these--

Yup, serious CASE here. I think I kind of NEEDED to do these, just so I could get the stamps in my hands and head.  They do make a fun rustic-y card.

A closer look--

 SO, I liked this idea so much, I took it and ran with it just a bit.

I made three of these--

So, not HUGELY different, but I did do some different things, including the silver stars, and the white detailing on the rooftops and trees.

Also, I did something I either hadn't seen before, or forgotten about.

To do my snow hills, instead of doing two layers of card stock, I cut a slit in the one panel, and wedged my foam tape under the center of that slice. The edges are flush mounted, as is the part of the slice that makes up the background hill.

Maybe a closer view will help with that weird description--

I added some Stickles to help point up the hills. I like the hand cut look with these rustic looking stamps.

Thanks for the inspiration, Julie!

Well, since I was on the CASE train, I wasn't about to hop off quickly
SU demo Connie Stewart has a great YouTube channel where she shares simple, fun and FAST cards. She also has a website, so stop by.

She made this card--

FLASH CARD - Snow is Falling Christmas Card -
It was so fast, and really charming, in blue, white, and silver.

So, using this as a template, I made this--

I had NONE of the stamps that she used, but the idea is definitely there.  I produced five of these, I think, and they were so fast and so fun to do.  Thanks, Connie!

Finally, I saw a card made with a stamp set that was primarily frames.  I have no idea who did it, or where I saw it, and my apologies to the creator of this card, because I REALLY liked the idea. It was several frames together, in different colors.  That was all, except for maybe a sentiment.

I made two cards, really CASE-ing this card, using many stamp sets to get enough frames pulled together.  I was not happy with just the frames (I think I needed one more, probably), so I added some stickers. Love these ONE DOLLAR stickers from JoAnn's.

I made these--

If you know whose cards I CASE-ed, please let me know, so I can credit them!

Well, those are the cards that I made where I am happy to have been taken by the hand and led to success by somebody else's work.  I have a lot more to share, but I wanted to take a moment to thank those who so generously share their hard work for us all (and especially me, this time) to enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by!
All best-

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mr Cardmaker Sends Happy Hanukkah Wishes

So, Hanukkah started last night, and we have one part of the family that are Hanukkah people.  I love making a card for them every year. Having only ONE Hanukkah stamp set, I love challenging myself to get creative with it. We also give a gift (not eight, sorry...),so I also made a coordinating tag.

I made this--

You probably recognize the magic of Distress Inks (and the cool stuff that happens with water) going on here.  I love when I see the traditional blue and gold accompanied with lots of colors, so I really went for it here. 
Using a Papertrey Ink stamp set, I stamped the greeting in just about every blue I own, and followed with all the pinks, reds, and oranges in my stash. 
I followed up my stamping with my blending tool, using pinks on the left and reds/oranges on the right.
I liked the menorah in the red tones, because I feel like you get a stronger feeling of candlelight happening there.
A thin strip of gold washi finishes off the sparkle element on the front.


Sorry, don't mind my fingers...
More gold, and glittered embossing powder on the candles, and just a touch of color around the edges of the white panel.
Yes, that little blob did happen--We made sure to write our greeting over it!

Another look--

and one last one--

And there's a tag!

Same idea, but done with embossing powders.  I had some loose pieces of powder when I did the liquid platinum (the ink was still a tiny bit wet), but I actually like the distressed look it gives.  I think the white candles give a nice pop here, too.

Hoping that your Hanukkah is joyous and filled with light.

Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best-

Friday, December 5, 2014

Oh, The Irony

              -------------This is my second post today. (When it rains, it pours, I guess.)------------

Well, in my infinite procrastination, I managed to completely miss buying some stamps and dies from Stampin' Up last year. They're called Festive Flurry, and they are these big, honkin' snowflakes, with matching dies ( like I already mentioned...stay with me here.) I waited and waited, and they were gone.

So, this fall, I decided to looking for them on eBay. Oh boy, what a joke. They were CRAZY prices.  Now, the set originally went for about $52.00, I think.  (We ALL know SU ain't cheap.  Don't get me going on the shipping thing...)

I saw this today on eBay..

 WHAAAAAAAT?!  What crack are people smoking, anyway??  Oh, and there were some in the 80 dollar range, too.  Madness, I tell you, MADNESS!

Well, come to find out, SU HAS SOME OF THESE THINGS, and are selling them on their end of year clearance sale.

Yup, got mine. $41.00 and change, WITH the shipping. Should've gotten TWO and make all of my Christmas shopping money by selling one on eBay.  Why don't these things occur to me in the moment? I couldn't do that. In fact, I may have to reach out to the nine people watching, and tell them to go over to SU and get themselves one.  $179.95...sheesh.

Anyway, that's my rant.  Please feel free to continue your day.

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-

Banner Days

Well, I meant to get this up here long ago, but getting the proper lighting seemed impossible.
I waited for the brightest time of day, but the sun wouldn't cooperate at all. 

Many of these are blurry, and I apologize for that, but I hope you can get a good idea of where I was going with this one.

I made this--

Can't see it?

How about now?

Or this?

Nah.  See what I mean about photos of these things?

Let's try seeing each one individually--(LOTS of Photos alert..)

I wanted to show you this one first,, because you can see here the leaves that separate each panel piece. I just pasted punched leaves together on a gold thread.  Super easy, but a nice added detail.
Oh, and note the "cheerful" diecut.  Totally pieced together from some Christmas word dies (Paper Smooches). 

 This one is one of my faves. That teensy leaf on the tree just works for me.

 Love this one, too.  Love the red jacquard with the grey and gold.

So, you can see (at least most of) it now. 
The overall look, again--

I was pretty happy with this one.  I hope it will hold up in storage, so I can use it again next year.

Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best--

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Celebrating The Captain

Somewhere along the way, we all came to call my brother-in-law Mike "The Captain."  Who knows why? Not me.

Mike is one of those super wonderful,warm, open, man-among-men kinda guys, and I could not think better of anyone. We get to spend time with him and SIL Sue on a regular basis, which is good.

Mike's birthday is on the 7th of this month, and I made him a card.

I made this--

If the image looks familiar, it's because you've seen it recently on my Thanksgiving cards. (See that post HERE.)
I think it made the switch to gold on black quite well. The deer silhouettes are so cool in there.
Here's a close-up--
See the deer?  Cool, right?
The larger matte behind the main image is cut from gold card stock with a PTI Matstack 3 die, cut in half and strategically placed behind the image panel to make it big enough to cover the card front. 
I rubbed Versamark ink on the edges, and applied Ranger Liquid Platinum embossing powder to the edges, leaving the rough edge that it created. This is a cool trick I picked up from Kristina Werner.
If you don't know her work, you should!
Unimpressed with the plain look, I stamped some trees on top of the whole die cut with some gold Colorbox ink.  Loving that gold-on-gold look!
To assemble the card, I stamped a piece of grey card stock with a woodgrain stamp, and adhered it to my pale green card base.  I felt the corners were a bit empty, so I added some gold and silver dots with paint pens. (Not too sure about those, but there they are.)
I hope The Captain likes it!
That's about it for me.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. We had a big houseful, but I made my best turkey EVAH.
I am now in the throws of Christmas card madness!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best-


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mr Cardmaker Finds That While Nothing Rhymes With Oranges, VERY Little Goes With Purple at Christmas

Well, if THAT isn't a headline, I don't know WHAT is...

So, you remember these little guys I left you with last time as a teaser?

These are done with Papertrey Ink's Winter Penguin stamps and dies, and I did some Copic coloring to flesh them out a bit. As well all know, I am not the world's best Copic guy, but these are just fine.
Anyway! I used them (or most of them) to make a couple of cards, WITH more Copic coloring.
I made these--

 To do my scene, I pulled out one of my FAVE stamp sets by Stampendous called Holiday Home, which looks like is a discontinued set over at the Stampendous website.  Pity.  They also did one called Winter Trees that I never managed to find, but I'd love to get my mitts on it.  Similar style, but there's deer, and a distant village.  I love it...

Well, I got to coloring my scene, and well, it just seemed best to me to just do a shadowy look, so the penguins could be the star.  Shadows are purple, right?  A million songs will tell you that...

After going cuckoo with my purple shadows, I decided that an orange sunset would, you know, give a REASON for all those shadows.

Now try to find any sort of Christmas themed paper that matches, so you can do some layering.
I looked through ALL of my Christmas stacks, through ALL of my NON-Christmas stacks. I was not into making my own on this occasion, and the old, old Stampin' Up DSP wasn't going to cut it.  It didn't really match, anyway...
Well, after a search that took a LEAST thirty minutes, and left me nothing but frustrated, I decided that WHITE goes with EVERYTHING.  A simple purple card stock matte would be JUST FINE.

Embossing folders to the rescue!

I think my little penguins are mighty cute.  I used two different thicknesses of foam tape to give them more dimension.  That purple twine?  TARGET.  (Thank you!)

Still in love with Stickles, after all these years...
Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best-